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Dentistry Awards Finalist
Clinical Case Awards Implant Denture Case Award
Winner of Best Single Dental Implant UK at the Aesthetic Dentistry Awards

How can we help?...


The South Wales Specialist Oral Surgery and Dental Implant Centre consists of a team of highly trained clinicians here to provide World-Class specialist oral surgery and dental implant care to the wonderful people of Wales.


Our core values are:



Our team comprises of specialist oral surgeons, an oral & maxillofacial surgeon, an oral medicine specialist, and a specialist prosthodontist (restorative specialist) all dedicated to provide you an exceptional level of care and service. 







Rydym yn dîm o glinigwyr hynod hyfforddedig sydd yma i ddarparu llawfeddygaeth y geg a gofal mewnblaniadau deintyddol arbenigol o'r radd flaenaf i bobl Cymru.


Ein gwerthoedd craidd yw:










Mae ein tîm yn cynnwys llawfeddygon y geg arbenigol, llawfeddyg y geg, yr ên a'r wyneb, arbenigwr meddygaeth y geg a phrosthodontydd arbenigol (arbenigwr adferol), y mae pob un ohonynt yn ymroddedig i ddarparu lefel eithriadol o ofal a gwasanaeth i chi.

About Us


"I have recently received the very best care from Mr Mallorie. The surgical experience was exceptional - I experienced no pain both during the surgery and afterwards, neither did I experience any bruising or discomfort. The surgery was calm and carried out to the highest of expertise and clinical standards - Thank you."


"The outcome of the dental work provided was literally life-changing in respect not only too appearance which was excellent - but also eating food became more pleasant and enjoyable. Craig's strengths in patient care and treatment was evident from the beginning. I was thoroughly informed on treatment plans and costs. Dental work was highly professional and pain free. Thank you Craig for all your dental work - it is greatly valued and appreciated every day!"


"Delighted! I was worried about implant surgery but having had a sinus lift and two implants carried out by Mr Mallorie I have no fear, there was no pain, no infection, and I now enjoy all foods. He has the lightest touch, he is caring, never rushed. This man is terrific!"


Success Stories
Contact Us
Opening Hours

Monday to Friday  08:30 – 17:15

Saturday - By appointment only

Sunday  -  By appointment only


Attach a photo/x-ray

Thank you for your enquiry, one of the team will contact you shortly. Have a great day!

last updated 08/06/2024

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